Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Permaculturist David Blume

Permaculturist David Blume says 100 percent of domestic fuel consumption could be made from cattails grown in city sewage. Audio interview: http://www.coyotene tworknews. com/productcart/ pc/radioshow. htm

It's true. I studied the Blume book for an environmental physics class (had to remember a lot of math from 40 years ago!) and if we had enough space to turn into swamps, we could grow all we need from a cattail-willow polyculture. The cattails only produce their astounding 10,000 gallons/acre if they have sewage to drink. (Corn ethanol is around 30, algae and sugar cane around 5000.) We can also reclaim deserts while making ethanol, harvesting just the pods from mesquite plants, or adding polycultures to improve the system and increase production. What about all those roadside lawns?