Monday, July 27, 2009

The Trends Research Institute® - Forecasting, Tracking and Analyzing Global Trends

The Collapse of '09
The "Panic of '08" will be followed by "The Collapse of '09." In 2008, when the world's largest financial firms and equity markets crumbled, Wall Street's woes preoccupied the media. In 2009, the focus will broaden to include a range of calamities that will leave no sector unscathed.....

The Revolution
It's unprecedented. There is nothing like it in the history of the United States. No week goes by without the Government buying into or buying up another failing "too big to fail" using taxpayer money. In the process, a super-race of corporate giants is being created that will be declared "too big to tumble." It is a matter of historical fact: When people are homeless, helpless, desperate, jobless and hungry, sooner or later they will rebel. And it won’t be any different in America.....

Economic Slim-Fast
Like it or not, Americans are going on a diet: a spending diet and a food diet. Staying fit and living frugally was a mainstay of pre-World War II America, and it will be a major defining trend of 21st century America.....

Little People Squeeze
To keep local, state and federal governments running, and to finance stimulus packages and bailout programs, politicians will put the squeeze on the already squeezed. The biggest squeeze: property taxes. Historically, empires crash when taxes are raised beyond the capacity to pay.....

Regenerative Medicine
The signs are clear that the time is ripe for stem cells to start coming out of the laboratory and into the clinic, to make the leap from theoretical to practical, from promise to product. The breathtaking promise, the wild hype, and the raging controversy has turned stem cell research into a political lightning rod, a scientific holy grail, and the last best hope for millions of people with otherwise untreatable diseases.....

The Greatest Depression
While we alone predicted the “Panic of ’08” (and even took out the domain name “” on November 7, 2007), we are not alone in predicting a Depression. The “D” word is being uttered – in some cases by those who have the most to lose and whose best interests are not served by spreading gloom and doom.....

Setting aside the only major question that remains unanswered (when, or if, Obama makes Supreme Court selections, will they reflect the liberal beliefs of his supporters?), we see nothing coming from his administration that can prevent The Collapse of ’09, the Greatest Depression or the brewing Revolution. From these macro-developments, a number of other significant trends — some promising, some foreboding — will emerge, accelerate and intensify.....

Bush Gardens
To cope with food shortages and food rationing during World War II, masses of people planted “Victory Gardens.” As America moves into the Greatest Depression, the need to put food on the table will again oblige people to grow their own.....

Whole Health Healing
Just as Greatest Depression economic conditions cannot be cured with financial stimulus pills or monetary painkillers, so too chronic degenerative disease cannot be cured by silver bullet drug therapies or through the magic of medical doctors. The philosophy and practice of Whole Health Healing, a first line of defense, requires that the individual responsibility for achieving and maintaining health.....

That's Entertainment
During the grim times of the Great Depression, arts and entertainment flourished, and with the repeal of Prohibition the good times rolled … and they’ll roll again. Lifting spirits, and drinking them, will be big businesses and major pastimes for both down-and-outs and the Uptown crowd during the Greatest Depression.....