Thursday, December 3, 2009


Gods: "It turned out the fancy new satellite was like a giant aerospace magnifying glass. It was put into space to intensify and direct the sun’s rays to the new high tech solar power plant."


ONE Dream, ONE Vision... WAKE UP and Participate NOW:

“The more significant, and I believe the real issue at hand here, is the damage that is being done to the population by injection of these vaccines and the precedent that has been set for the government to institute vaccines for future fake or manufactured pandemics.

Is this a dream or a nightmare? Is it my imagination or have we lost our minds? It is surreal. It is just not believable. A grand absurdity. A great deception. A delusion of momentous proportions based on preposterous notions and ideas whose time should never have come …

Insanity passed off as logic.…Evil described as virtue. Ignorance pawned off as wisdom. Slavery sold as liberty. The philosophy that destroys us is not even defined. We have broken from reality, a psychotic nation. Ignorance with a pretense of knowledge replacing wisdom..

Money does not grow on trees, nor does prosperity come from a government printing press that escalates deficit that are being spent on a failed warfare and welfare system. A central bank that deliberately destroys the value of the currency in secrecy without restraint.”