Saturday, September 19, 2015

new course

ok, so this is a new online course. . . a MOOC.   And this is my commentary on it. . . First I followed the directions they provided and creating this profile on their webpage:
 What I found particularly interesting was their first day of class, started with a live stream from MIT, where Otto spoke to us about their work, plans and all about the course. . . I've not yet seen the complete video.  But as shown here at right, I started with filling in everything that they asked for. . . seemed like a good place to start.  This included signing up for a HUB with other students to work together.  No hubs in Florida yet, so I read their "hub Instructions" and left comment about  virtual hub with Google Hangout?  Quintin offered to join it with me, but I've invited him and never got a reply.  This means that every new comment was sent to me also.  So with the live lecture starting someone else asked about a St Pete Hub. . . which means I got an email for this comment. . . WHICH REMINDED me about the live session.  I found it again and clicked the link for the live session and Otto was closing his Mindfulness session.  How perfect!  It was really freaky perfect, because it was all but at the point of Prayer to Change the World.  When else would I show up?

Now today to finally watch the full video is really cool, as they posted a Wordle about the questions we answered in the profile page above. SO the first  and second questions had these cool images: