Saturday, January 18, 2020

Enslaving OURSELVES: rebuild schools with our own Societal Engineering instead of the Matrix!

Culture based on years of structure and hierarchy creating artificial values for profit, not life, not liberty, not intelligence or growth . . . not human nature, but "human Behaviors" based on the polluted culture. Greed only existed because of the made up system based on money and competitions. Not Nature where the life is based on cooperation and processes.  Nature as a random accident is BS used to justify the LOST Polluted Culture of Money and Greed.

History and culture to define "human Nature" based on only 6000 years, while Mankind's brain has been developing for 200,000 years. The economy designed to maintain poverty by dividing people into classes to artificially create values.

Wow Canada is designing new schools with virtual reality to allow children to learn what they want, when they want. To ignite creativity and passion to grow themselves with martial arts, fitness and meditations.


Yes real consciousness meditation like this:
It's YOUR Mind:
So Clear Mind Fog: