Thursday, October 25, 2012

Energizer: Zip, Zap, Zup « AIM Standing Team

Energizer: Zip, Zap, Zup « AIM Standing Team

Participants stand in a circle,  sending a to each other in turn, saying the word “zip”, “zap” or “zup”  each time.  If you say “zip,” you must clap to your right, which sends the clap to that person. He or she must then pass it to the right with another “zip,” or pas it to the left with a “zap.”  To pass it to someone across from you, you say “ZUP” and pass the clap to them.
To summarize: zip passes right, zap passes left, and ZUP passes it across the room to anyone not standing next to you.  Make sure all participants understand this, because they will be expected to pass it very quickly without making a mistake.  You will try to trick your team mates by changing directions on them.
When someone makes a mistake, they are eliminated from the circle. The last three remaining are considered the winners of the game.