Sunday, November 15, 2015


First video with Otto, about forming the Right Intentions and then the Right Connections, and then Iterate, Iterate, Iterate . . . with the Marshmallow challenge. . . where the kindergarten kids do best and MBA students do worse!  Not a big surprise, but great stuff, see . . . It helps people ID hidden assumptions, shared experience, common language, shared understanding, common stance . . . Next was Otto's experience and description of 0.8 prototyping, which is like a half-step short of version 1.0!

That's principal number four. Platforms and spaces that function as a landing strip for the emerging future.  And now always listen to the Universe . . .

6TH PRINCIPLE: Integrating Head, Heart, and Hand

Watch the video, then answer the questions in the sixth box of your U.Lab Source Book, page 7. Once you finish, you will have completed Worksheet #2 in the Source Book. There are additional resources throughout the book that you may find useful as you prototype. 
Still have questions? Continue to the next section to meet Ela Ben-Ur who is available this week to support you with prototyping.
wow, she's doing some cool stuff. . . working with Otto might be really cool!   Theory U really is linking systems thinking, and leadership, and creativity, from the viewpoint of the deeper dimension of human creativity.