That's principal number four. Platforms and spaces that function as a landing strip for the emerging future. And now always listen to the Universe . . .
Sunday, November 15, 2015
First video with Otto, about forming the Right Intentions and then the Right Connections, and then Iterate, Iterate, Iterate . . . with the Marshmallow challenge. . . where the kindergarten kids do best and MBA students do worse! Not a big surprise, but great stuff, see . . . It helps people ID hidden assumptions, shared experience, common language, shared understanding, common stance . . . Next was Otto's experience and description of 0.8 prototyping, which is like a half-step short of version 1.0!
That's principal number four. Platforms and spaces that function as a landing strip for the emerging future. And now always listen to the Universe . . .
That's principal number four. Platforms and spaces that function as a landing strip for the emerging future. And now always listen to the Universe . . .
Watch the video, then answer the questions in the sixth box of your U.Lab Source Book, page 7. Once you finish, you will have completed Worksheet #2 in the Source Book. There are additional resources throughout the book that you may find useful as you prototype.
Still have questions? Continue to the next section to meet Ela Ben-Ur who is available this week to support you with prototyping.
wow, she's doing some cool stuff. . . working with Otto might be really cool! Theory U really is linking systems thinking, and leadership, and creativity, from the viewpoint of the deeper dimension of human creativity.