Wednesday, October 14, 2015


In Week 1, Dayna described her background and how she came to understand presencing as a social technology that can facilitate a shift in empathy in a social field. In part two of this four-part series, Dayna shares a metaphor about the social field that she learned from her plumber. 
Dayna will join Otto and Adam to film the office hours video that we will post on Wednesday, September 30th. As you watch, if you have questions or comments for Dayna, please post them on the discussion board. She will be reading them!

Dayna shares a metaphor about the social field that she learned from her plumber.  - - - the roots of the tree grew into the pipes and clogged them.  Dead tree will grow for three more years . . . if you pay attention you can smell the roots growing . . . you got to sense it and understand it. 
A social field is so abstract, but even in winter if you are not paying attention the ground is frozen, but if you pay attention the seeds and germinating or growing . . . Shift society to a beloved community. . The role of the individual is great, but the role of the community is the power that needs to be attended to. . . as a leader, How you pay attention, and knowing the roots are there. . . the leader needs to capture social reality creation in flight. . . how you pay attention in any context, can shift what is happening in the room . . .