Sunday, October 18, 2015

Moments of Transformation | Presencing Institute U.School

Moments of Transformation | Presencing Institute U.School: 18 Oct 2015 - 9:24pm #16
by eric weaver

It was something that happened once. Then it happened again seemingly years later. Then I noticed it would happen monthly and now weekly. Each time I connect with someone and inspire passion. . . I can see The Shift in their eyes. Some how they understand something new and beyond what was there only a moment before.

Adit did it last week. He understood what I meant to find his passion. I asked him if he had scored every hour 1 to 5, and how many awesome 5s he had. He told me how he went home and thought about all the experiences he had that day. What was best of all was that he knew he had a bunch of 5s and he was able to see and explain what he really enjoy the most from his experiences. That remarkable transformation!!!! Where I can see a new Soul come out ready to play! Wow is that such an inspiring moment. And he was ready and excited about telling me every detail. How awesome was that. . . .

So then I ask him to look at the events he loved the most in his life, and really find the feeling deep inside and try to discover what inspired his passion. I told him we can all feel great with others looking up to us, or listening to us, but what about that experience was the most powerful "inside of him?". . . So I sent him on to discover more. . . And we're meeting for lunch to talk about next term classes now. . . wow