Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Legend of Bagger Vance

Journal2MyGOD: The Future of Business | Slantpoint: Otto Scharmer, senior lecturer at MIT and co-founder of the Presencing Institute, we have entered an Age of Disruption. Traditional approaches are at an impasse. Yet the possibility of profound personal, organizational, societal change has never been more real.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What u doing now?
I need to do this class, or take notes live here too. . .  I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Thanks for your strength love and wisdom as i travel through this with us.

MY POSTED Answers. .  .

I am anxious to develop new opportunities for our school and students locally
Page: 7
9:51:02 PM the essence of co-sensing is about connecting to reality in a different way,
9:51:09 PM see movie The Legend of Bagger Vance: Watch it here:
9:51:15 PM  how to connect with the field.
9:51:25 PM

it's time to see the field, . . . look at bobby jones. . look at his practice swing, searching for something, feel that focus, there is only one shot that is in harmony with this field, and that shot will choose us. . .we got to get out of the way and let the shot choose us. . . see he's in the field, see where everything that is, becomes one, gotta seek that place within your soul. . . don't think about it, feel it. . . feel it with your hands, not your head. just you, that ball, that ball and all that you are.   We gotta seek that place connected to the field were everything becomes one. . . That one place we can all recognize. 
Radio now!  grace wins every time. . . singing hayeluya. . . every
time.. .
I finally get the read the course:
Co-sensing is not about thinking. It's especially not about downloading ideas from the past onto new situations. It's about beginning to open up, to suspend habits of judgment, to connect to others with your mind and heart wide open. In every setting, there is much more going on than meets the eye. The more subtle aspects of social reality creation, those that the mind doesn't always grasp, are nevertheless visible to the hands and to the heart. We love how clearly this is expressed in the short clip that follows. Watch it here:

profound shifts in the fields of conversation that we can experience

this is really great stuff. . . it reminds me of my son ;-)
Conversations are the living embodiment of social fields. How do these patterns change?

In a level three conversation, a reflective dialogue,
I'm beginning to ask genuine questions.
What makes you think differently?
Why is it?
So what are the experiences, what are the foundations
based on which you come up with a viewpoint
that's so different, or slightly different
to my own conclusions.
wow, it's so cool to be reading this now . . . I've been getting this email about my listening experiences. . . So I opened some link somewhere and read the questions . . . course I'm always trying to stay grounded. It's like deciding the BE the change, instead of simply talking about it.  What's so funny about it now, is how I remember when I first got to Tampa.  One thing to know you were sent someplace. . . It's another where I can see, feel and measure the BOOT PRINT on my ass, kicking me down here.  Not able to sit still for YEARS! . . .

But still worse than this, . . . lol. . . or better still.  Was that I never came down from the flight.  Like BOOTED up in the air, and everything every where was flashing into what is to come. . . Like not seeing the past, not seeing the dialog or the conflict. . . not even seeing the empathy or thinking of how others felt.   I guess that went along with the boot on my butt?  Like I could not only walk in your shoes, I wore them hard and rough, through all the HURTS too.  All those old dirty boots from everyone kicking me all the time!

So wow, what a weird perspective. . . and its not clear yet.  As feeling all those boots from everyone all the time was not half of it.. . . shit only 10-20%!  As the 80-90% was feeling, seeing, experiencing what could be.

Always lost in the clouds floating along seeing the fantasies, visions, dreams  . . . wow. . . it was literally years learning about dreams i realize now.  So street marines, spoiled frat boys, desperate professors, civil servants desperate to fit in. . . wow.  Road rats on the bike, like the first 20 years in NJ. . . lol. . .

wow, been there, done that.  And now it was pre-sensing EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, all I could see, all i could imagine was out there in some future space where EVERYTHING was connected, One Life, One Experience, One Evolution